Inmigration Law
Temporary Residences:
This migratory category gives people authorization to stay in the country for a defined time.
Temporary residence as a Costa Rican spouse.
Temporary residence as an executive, representative, manager, technical company personnel and their dependents.
Temporary residence as a specialized self-employed worker.
Temporary residence as a worker in a dependency relationship.
Temporary residence for family reunion.
Temporary residence as an investor.
Temporary residence as a rentier.
Temporary residence as a pensioner.The following migratory applications are detailed below:
Residence as an investor: For the request for temporary residence as an investor, the foreign interested party must prove his investment with a capital of not less than US $ 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand dollars) according to the official sale exchange rate determined by the BCCR, either in real estate, registrable assets, shares, securities and productive projects or projects of national interest. In those cases in which the investment is regulated by special laws, it will be analyzed individually.
Residence as a rentier: Demonstrate with a document issued by the competent authority that for a period of no less than two years, you will receive a stable, permanent and monthly income of no less than two thousand five hundred dollars a month (US $ 2500.00). If your income comes from abroad, it must be legalized, authenticated or apostilled by the corresponding authorities.
Residence as a pensioner: Demonstrate with a document issued by a competent authority that you have a lifetime pension that cannot be less than a thousand dollars a month (US $ 1000). If it is issued abroad, it must be duly authenticated and apostilled.
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Permanent Residences:
This category is granted to people initially for two renewable years, and allows them to have labor freedom. Their main requirement is that they have a first degree relationship or by consanguinity with a Costa Rican. Or that they have had a temporary residence for three years and make a change of category.
-Permanent residence due to a relationship with a Costa Rican.
-Permanent residence due to change of category for having had a temporary residence for 3 years.
Special categories
- Permit for workers of specific occupation requested to work with a legal entity.
- Permit for workers of specific occupation requested to work with a natural person.
- Permit for workers of specific occupation on their own.
- Permits for students and their dependents.
- Permits for researchers, teachers and volunteers.
- Permits for workers linked to specific projects.
Special Procedures:
Special migratory situations that do not require a permanent or temporary status in the country.
Stay Request.
Extension of Stay.
Exit permit for minors who are residents or nationals.
Cancellation of file.
File suspension.
Refund of deposits.
Renewal of residence cards.
Replacement of residence cards.
Change of immigration category or subcategory.
They are special authorizations to enter the country.
- Multiple Visa
- Entry visa
- Extension request
- Tourist Visa
Special Immigration
Solicitud de inclusión en Registro de Empresas de la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería para empresas que desean traer ejecutivos, técnicos o personal capacitado.
Business Immigration
Application for inclusion in the Business Registry of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners for companies that want to bring executives, technicians or trained personnel, said Directorate has 7 categories for companies that want to apply depending on the business line of each one, the requirements vary .
Recommended Web Pages
Page of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship:
International Organization for Migration:
Ministry of Public Security and the Interior: